Internet reading plugs wings for Chinese teaching

Wang Xueli Wangliucun Campus, Julu County, Hebei Province

"The one who knows is not as good as the one who knows, and the one who knows is not as good as the one who knows." We know that many middle school students are afraid of Chinese reading. It is not that they do not want to learn Chinese reading well, but that they have lost interest in reading and lack scientific reading methods. So how can we more fully stimulate students' interest in reading? As we all know, we have entered the era of the Internet, and the Internet has become an indispensable part of people ’s lives. Internet resources are accepted by the majority of teachers and students due to their "rich and intuitive, convenient, fast, and vivid image". Chinese reading plugged into the wings of soaring.

1. The practical significance of online reading

1. Online reading is helpful to broaden the horizon of knowledge and increase students' knowledge accumulation

Internet reading refers to reading activities that use multimedia technology and network technology to obtain information knowledge. The new Chinese Curriculum Standard stipulates: "The ability to collect and process information is preliminary; use books and online information channels to read." The Internet contains rich reading resources. Students read through the Internet, which greatly enriches the knowledge of Chinese and is reading. In the process of continuous self-judgment, the more you read, the more you will feel that your knowledge is poor, and the more you read, the more you want to read. This not only broadens the students' horizons of reading, but also increases their knowledge reserves, which is of great help to both reading in class and writing. For example, when teaching the novel unit of chapters such as "Robin Sun Rafting" and "Insect", the works in the textbook are fragmented due to the length of the article.If the students only read the books, the students can only understand the works Part of the content, the understanding of the author's creative intention, the thoughts and emotions expressed in the work, and the writing techniques of the work can not be mastered in an all-round way, but the use of online reading can enable students to understand the work in depth, broaden the knowledge horizon, and enable the students to learn the knowledge More systematic. This type of class can arrange students to read online before class, understand the background of article creation from the Internet, express the author's thoughts and feelings, and the impact it had at the time, so as to enrich students 'knowledge horizons and comprehensively improve students' Appreciation ability, increase students' knowledge accumulation, and realize the promoting effect of network reading on Chinese reading teaching.

2. Online reading is helpful to cultivate students to develop good reading habits

With the further improvement of the level of educational equipment, the class-class communication project has been basically realized, and the network has quietly entered the classroom. Due to the immediacy, fun, interactivity and practicality of the Internet, students are more and more active in reading online. Over 80% of urban school students are accustomed to online reading, and 60% of rural school students are restricted by conditions The left and right students read online, so it is very important to cultivate students' good reading habits under the network environment. For example, in the teaching of literary works such as "Education of Love", "Spring Water" and "Aesop's Fables", due to the continuity, education, and fun of the works, students are allowed to develop good reading habits in online reading. It is also an important part of Chinese reading teaching. Students in Chinese classroom teaching have subtly cultivated various good learning habits in the process of online reading, just like people want to brush their teeth and wash their faces in the morning, which is just what nature expects from Chinese teaching.

3. Internet reading is a comprehensive reading

The reading space is infinitely wide, and the timeliness of the online articles is strong. As long as the mouse clicks lightly, endless information will come, which is dazzling. For example, when studying Xu Zhimo's "Farewell to Cambridge", students are taken to the electronic reading room for classes. Students use Baidu search to enter "Xu Zhimo", and within a few seconds, thousands of related articles appear on the page. Students can read the most beautiful texts about Xu Zhimo's Kangqiao complex to express their feelings for students to compare and feel. Xu Zhimo's affection for the University of Cambridge in the UK, feeling Xu Zhimo's extraordinarily strong and deep feelings for Kangqiao, and feeling the unforgettable memory of Kangqiao's life. After understanding these, you can find the source of the poem's emotions, you can accurately grasp the theme of the poem, and implement the teaching concept of reading.

Second, the scientific method of online reading guidance

"Teaching people to fish is worse than teaching people to fish." This is to say that teaching people a way to do things is more important than helping him do something directly. The method is the key to success. In the face of the massive amount of reading information on the Internet, how to carry out online reading can be said to be a matter of interest and confusion for the majority of Chinese teachers. The author thinks it should be based on the teaching content and the actual situation of the students.

1. Help students choose valuable course resources for in-depth reading

Online reading requires teachers to have a pair of smart eyes and be good at identifying and integrating valuable resources. Reading teaching in the network environment requires Chinese teachers to upload their selected reading resources with multiple tastes to the reading teaching platform for students to read independently, so that they can wander in a wide variety of reading spaces with large amounts of information to meet their needs. The curiosity of new knowledge and new things allows students to construct an understanding of knowledge in rich reading. For example, in the teaching of the fourth unit of the seventh edition of the People's Education Edition, "Social Drama", "Ansai Waist Drum", "Bamboo Shadow", and "Break Skills", use the reading time of one week per week, take classes in the electronic reading room, and read through the Internet Let students understand the writing characteristics of the work, the motivation of the author to create the work, relevant stylistic information, etc. Greatly enrich students' literary literacy, and effectively serve the teaching of Chinese reading.

2. Teach students the search method of online reading and conduct civilized reading

Teach students to use the use of search engines such as Baidu, Sogou and Aiwen to introduce students to valuable reading sites, such as Inspirational Literature Network, Muzi Bookstore, 101 Distance Education Network, etc., so that students can read freely here. Students can take the opportunity of reading lessons to read, or they can read in the electronic reading room after class or during the self-study class. They can also read at home under the guidance of parents. When choosing reading materials, teachers should guide students to read with a positive attitude, ensure that students read safely, civilizedly, and healthily, guide students to learn to distinguish between ugliness and educate students, and cultivate students' ability to discern right from wrong, so as to eliminate harm and eliminate harm in online reading To gain the fruit of reading.

3. Teach students to take notes while reading online so they can learn while learning

When students read online, they should understand what the article writes, and understand how to analyze the article and why it is written like this? At the same time, excerpts of beautiful and beautiful sentences and fragments of the article are collected, and the talents are absorbed, digested and absorbed, so that they can be used for their own writing. In this way, students will develop a good habit of reading on the Internet and accumulate less, more will naturally improve the students' language literacy. The school conducts appraisal in this respect every semester. Students submit online reading notes and write reading experience. This is also the basic requirement of Chinese classroom teaching. By taking notes, summarizing the learning information, comprehending the profound connotation of the work, and implementing the educational goals of the Chinese language discipline.

3. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of online reading

Reading the endless web pages on the Internet will make you helpless, especially those junk texts, which will make you upset. There are also mixed information organized by network administrators, and most of the online reading is carried out in a free state.Some students have poor self-control.In the face of the colorful online world, if they are addicted to the network and linger in the virtual world, Becoming a networm can also affect the physical and mental health of students. But we should not waste food because of choking. We must face the problems in online reading with a tolerant attitude, and read healthy articles with a healthy attitude, which will benefit students for life.

Reading teaching is connected with social life and real life. It cannot be limited to classrooms and limited text materials. Students should be encouraged to read online. It can quickly satisfy students' desires and be supplemented by images, videos and other components to show students A colorful, endless reading world. To realize the organic integration of online reading and text reading, teachers and students really enjoy the fun of crossing time and space, and have added wings for Chinese classroom teaching.

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