The possibility and possibility of whitening can be created

The concept of whitening has developed to this day, and it is no longer a simple way to dilute the skin color, but to become a beauty way to improve the skin and fight against the signs of the years. Therefore, you may need more whitening than you think. Whitening skin care products, whitening foods, whitening drinks, fruit acid rejuvenation whitening, drip injection whitening modern technology provides you with a variety of different solutions for how white you want.

Advanced layer to enhance skin whiteness

Basic whitening: Improve skin tone and darken skin caused by short-term sun exposure

Exfoliation accelerated update

When the skin is too tired, the normal metabolism is disrupted, and the melanin that cannot be discharged accumulates in the epidermis, which makes the skin dull. Timely removal of old keratin can help brighten skin tone, ensure full absorption of whitening ingredients, and make skin tone purer.

Promotes microcirculation to enhance skin brightness

Healthy skin has a smooth blood circulation and naturally has a rosy, transparent luster. When sleep or aging is absent, blood circulation slows down and the skin becomes dull. Therefore, for those with dull skin, a whitening product that promotes blood circulation of the skin is essential. It uses antioxidants such as citrus peel polyphenols and vitamin C to promote microcirculation and create appropriate massage. White complexion.

Intensive whitening treatment after tanning

After a long period of outdoor activities or after the summer, everyone will be tanned, and the whitening work done at this time is the easiest to be effective. However, it is not advisable to whiten immediately after sun exposure. Instead, it should be moisturized and soothed for a while. When the skin reaches a relatively strong state, the whitening step begins. At this time, you can use a week-long intensive whitening mask to accelerate the melanin metabolism cycle and help the skin to return to the original white state as soon as possible. If you want to quickly whiten after the summer, it is recommended to use a 28-day intensive whitening essence. It’s still like a fisherman who just came back from the beach.

Intermediate whitening: eliminate red blood, acne, acne marks, skin zero

Adhere to a full set of whitening procedures

The complete concept of whitening includes sun protection, skin metabolism, keratin maintenance, anti-oxidation, moisturizing, calming and restoring skin. Among them, the cleaning products mainly play the role of eliminating aging keratin and accelerating skin metabolism; the whitening ingredients in the toner can be absorbed by the face with the wiping action, and at the same time play the role of secondary cleaning; the whitening lotion can moisturize and moisturize, And further promote the absorption of the above steps; the essence is often the core of this series, belonging to the "whitening potentiator." These products complement each other to achieve the best results, so the use of a full range of whitening skin care products is more comprehensive than using one or a combination.

Rejuvenation whitening massage technique

Red blood is caused by exaggeration of capillaries and is often associated with poor circulation. The following massage techniques can promote blood circulation in the facial skin, awaken tired skin cells and promote the absorption of whitening ingredients. Stick to the massage once or twice a day. After one month, you will find that the skin becomes even and delicate and radiant.

STEP1: Forehead. The middle finger and the ring finger alternately slide up from the center of the two eyebrows and slide along the hairline to the temple;

STEP2: The bridge of the nose. Use the middle finger and ring finger of the left and right hands to alternate on the bridge of the nose and slide down from the top;

STEP3: Lips. From the middle of the chin to the middle of the person to slide out;

STEP4: Cheek. By the cheeks along the direction of muscle growth, it is divided into three parts in a spiral manner, sliding from the inside to the outside;

STEP5: Eyes. Draw a circle around the eyebrows, add back to the brow, and hold down for two seconds with a little pressure;

STEP6: Ears. Massage to the earlobe in a small spiral from the top of the ear;

STEP7: Neck. Push it from bottom to top on the neck, from right to left.

Lighten the shallow spots and make them effective in time.

Acne scars and acne marks are pigment spots. If you whiten in time, the possibility of removal is very large. Why is the longer the spots stay on the skin, the more difficult it is to eliminate? That is because at the spots containing a large amount of mylarin pigmentation, the lowest cell division will become slow, making it difficult for the skin to discharge the accumulated melanin. Therefore, for skin with pigmentation, the sooner whitening treatment is performed, the higher the possibility of spots disappearing.

Strengthen local whitening

Careful observation of the relatively dull parts of the face, the melanocytes are often active in the location where pigmentation often occurs, so there is also the site where spots are most likely to form. It is recommended that you must do a complete sunscreen whitening treatment, especially for the local hardest hit areas, using whitening blemish essence with high concentration of whitening ingredients, this method is accurate and effective, pen-designed whitening essence can be used at any time in the day, dense Lighten pigmentation.

Anti-aging + whitening, comprehensive metabolism of melanin

The combination of whitening and anti-aging effects is the trend of today's skin care technology. Because people's beauty appeals are becoming more comprehensive, the proven good skin care ingredients are usually not completely singular. For example, vitamin C and vitamin A are both whitening and wrinkle-reducing. The aging problems such as oxidation and saccharification also cause melanin hyperplasia, which is also a problem that whitening needs to solve. Therefore, we must start with an overall improvement in skin quality and form the ultimate solution to the problem of whitening.

Ashes whitening: not the whitest, only whiter, breaking the whitening limit, bleaching skin 1-2 degrees

Break through the whitening bottleneck period and completely cut off melanin

After using the whitening products for a period of time, the skin has reached a certain degree of whiteness, it is difficult to change, and thus fell into a whitening bottleneck. Can I still be a little whiter? Become the wish of many ashes whitening people. The study found that traditional whitening technology can only block the three causes of melanin, namely: control melanin production, inhibit melanin over-delivery, and dilute melanin. The latest whitening technology, the concept of melanin dquo;, the way of melanin transmission, the whitening products that block melanin channels came into being, they can limit the extension of melanin, making whitening more thorough and efficient.

Superimposed whitening method without dead ends

The beauty teacher, Niu Er, strongly recommends a whitening method from face to point, which is not difficult to operate. For example, when using whitening essence, two layers should be rubbed. The first layer is mainly applied to the T-shaped part, and the second layer is applied to the place where the melanin precipitation is easy to occur. The same is true for sun protection. First wipe the first layer, then wait a little for 5 minutes and then focus on the T-shaped part for the second time. This will avoid the appearance of skinny corners and make the whitening maintenance more precise and meticulous. At the same time, we can eat more fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content, as well as antioxidant foods such as berries, berries and alfalfa. From the inside out, we can achieve a whitening complexion.

Whitening needle achieves incandescent super white muscle

If you want to have an incandescent super white muscle, try a whitening injection that is favored by the stars. Maybe you will be curious, want to whiten your face, why not take it directly or smear? Dermatologists believe that after oral vitamin C absorption through the gastrointestinal liver, the final use of the skin is extremely low. Applying it to a large area of ​​the body may be difficult to absorb because of poor skin metabolism. Injecting by drip, through the blood circulation, can quickly achieve whitening and promote the regeneration of collagen. Whitening needles contain high doses of vitamin C and B, and immune-enhancing ingredients. The treatment usually takes three times a week and can be quickly whitened after four weeks of application.

Whitening is complicated? Whitening is simple.

Endless whitening ingredients, micro-deep whitening technology, those chemical terms, patent ingredients make whitening a complicated and cumbersome thing. In fact, as long as you grasp the following principles, whitening will become very simple.

1. Choosing whitening products should be more effective and more important.

Professional medical beauty brand loves the name of senior training experience Zheng Yiting pointed out: the use of whitening products in the wrist inside the allergy test is an essential step, in addition, the selection of those safe and whitening ingredients and makeup brands are also the key to avoid allergies.

2. The core of whitening is sun protection.

In the past, we always love to treat whitening and sun protection in isolation. In fact, when you are more and more aware of what whitening is all about, you will find that you can even do not have to go whitewashing as long as you work well from small to large. Because the essence of Whitening is to prevent excessive production of melanin, thereby diluting the already produced melanin precipitate. The reason why melanin is produced is an instinctive stress response of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. In other words, no amount of melanin is naturally produced in excess of the sun.

3. The skin during whitening is more fragile and therefore requires more protection.

From deep cleansing, keratin peeling, to vitamin C, arbutin, and various acidic substances, every process of whitening destroys the sebum membrane and makes the cuticle thinner, making the skin very fragile. Moisturizing and moisturizing, sunscreen and sunscreen! If you want the skin to be white, and good.

4. Anti-aging is also whitening.

In 2010, almost all leading brands in the skin care industry emphasized the combination of whitening and anti-aging. Today, in the 21st century, the luster, transparency, delicate and rich texture is a new indicator of white skin. What we want is not the pathological pale and bloodless color, but the white, red, shiny and moisturizing skin, which requires the skin itself. It is young and vibrant. Therefore, anti-oxidation, anti-glycation, refusal to relax, wrinkles, etc. have become problems for whitening at the same time.

5. Whitening through make-up.

Chinese women who have always admired the face are often neglecting the power of makeup. Even in the densely populated city centres of Beijing and Shanghai, there are few women who have turned into office buildings. Also in Asia, the situation in Tokyo, Taipei, and Hong Kong is very different. In recent years, this phenomenon has changed with the fall of the 85s and 90s. In fact, how powerful the makeup is, it can only be realized after you have made it.

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