Analysis of the color and pattern design of daily product packaging from toothpaste

Daily necessities are essential supplies in our lives, and you may feel that they are inconspicuous. In fact, their packaging varies, it is estimated that people only see their use value when using them, ignoring its packaging design features. In the following, we will use toothpaste products as an example to analyze the color and pattern design of daily product packaging.

First, first, the color design skills of toothpaste daily necessities.

"Chinese toothpaste", its main color is warm color. The color is dominated by a large area of ​​yellow and a part of orange and red, with a small part of sky blue. Red, orange and yellow are typical warm colors, and the pure, dazzling red color makes the brand name "China" very prominent; while the large bright yellow area serves as the background of the "smash-proof toothpaste", coupled with the streamlined symmetrical shape, like water droplets, Just like the toothpaste just squeezed out, it makes people think of it, and it looks like a ten-footed movement that cleverly expresses the function of a toothpaste (prevention); the orange color between red and yellow is just the color between red and yellow. , The color transition is mild and natural; the sky-blue "active calcium fluoride formula" and "HuaBiao" logo have reached the balance of color from the sensibility and give a very satisfactory feeling.

"Jenno" toothpaste, its main color is cool. The color is dominated by blue and cyan, accompanied by a small amount of red contrast; the bright blue toothpaste-like pattern gives a natural, fresh and intimate feeling under the shade of white, making people think how comfortable it is to use such a toothpaste; The gray bar at the bottom, this "universal" neutral gray, makes the contrasting red and the entire pattern more harmonious.

Second, next, it is to say that toothpaste daily necessities pattern design skills.

In the composition, the brand "Zhoumianzhen" is located on the midline m, the horizontal position is on the "golden section" line, and the right pattern is separated by the corresponding "golden section" line ф, and the midline m is evenly divided. The "effect" and "herbal toothpaste" are in the middle of the two "golden lines"; in addition, a is equal to the relationship of a', making the composition of the main pattern appear to be quite satisfactory; the two sloping leaves on the ellipsoid with stereoscopic projection, point The bright theme "two-sided needles" gives people a natural, fresh and refreshing feeling. "Colgate" toothpaste, its main color is warm. The color is dominated by a large area of ​​red, with a small amount of yellow as the shadow and background, while the right part of the image is dominated by cool blue sky and white clouds (manufactured by blue-and-white gradients), which is not inconsistent. Instead, juxtaposed with pure red gold, the colors complement each other and the contrast is strong. The “solid teeth, fresh breath” in the shade of deep blue seems to float in the broad sky, highlighting the characteristics of toothpaste.

From the perspective of the entire composition, they are almost identical: the brand name is on the right, and the main pattern is on the right. This reflects the characteristics of the toothpaste product. It is conceived that it should be limited by the appearance and intension of the object and serve the specific object. Instead of arbitrarily waving it, it's time to go. The composition of toothpaste uses the "golden section" line, so that some actually use two. In terms of visual comfort, the golden section is the best place, but it seems to be a bit stereotyped, but natural is often the most beautiful.

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[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

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