Japanese Packaging Reduction Principles

Taking the new packaging of Dainippon Printing Co., Ltd. as an example, the company's product packaging implements the four principles of environmental awareness, namely, the principle of reducing packaging materials, reducing the volume of packaging after use, recycling, and reducing environmental pollution.

1. The principle of reduction of packaging materials is to adopt methods such as reducing the thickness of the container, thinning the film, reducing the number of layers, and changing the packaging material;

2. The use of package volume reduction principle is adopted: box groove, cardboard box surface indentation, change of packaging materials and other methods, product case see, after the use of this beverage bottle, the volume becomes very small, easy to recycle;

3. The principle of recycling: For example, easy-to-separate paper container, plastic film inside the carton, after use, separation of paper and plastic, reduction of waste, aspects of treatment; there is also an easily separable thermoplastic molded container .

4. Principles for Reducing Environmental Pollution: The company will improve its packaging materials, materials, and processes to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during production and protect the environment.

Five Problems in the Packaging Industry in China

     It can be seen that Japan has done a lot of effective research and development in reducing packaging. On the other hand, in the process of high-speed development of the packaging industry in China, although we have achieved remarkable results, there have been many problems. The following are summarized:

First, many companies have not escaped the extensive business model of high input, high consumption, high pollution, and low output; some products have excessive packaging;

Second, the recycling rate of packaging materials is low. Except for some recycling of PET bottles and beverage cans, the recycling rate of other types of packaging materials is relatively low.

Third, serious waste of resources. In addition to increasing the burden of municipal solid waste disposal, a large number of waste packaging materials also waste a lot of resources;

Fourth, China's existing recycling channels for packaging materials are relatively confusing. The original recycling systems and channels relying on a single government behavior are not smooth. A standardized recycling network based on the market has not yet been established.

     Fifth, backward packaging and recycling technologies are underutilized, and the recycling rate of resources is low, and there is more serious secondary pollution. The existence of these problems is not only inconsistent with the requirements of the central government for building a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society, but also restricting the development of the packaging industry.

     During the design and manufacture of product packaging, the soft pack factory shall meet the requirements for ecological protection such as low consumption, reduction, and less pollution. Under the conditions of satisfying the functions of protection, convenience, sales, etc., the minimum amount of appropriate packaging should be adopted. The packaging material must be non-toxic and harmless, and it should be easy to reuse, or its waste can be easily recycled.

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