Home improvement environmental testing should not ignore furniture

After the renovation, quickly find a testing agency to see if the environmental quality of the decoration is up to standard. As long as the test is qualified, I bought home appliances and furniture, and immediately checked in and ended the renting life. This is the practice of many people nowadays. However, after the check-in, I felt that there was always a pungent smell in the family, and my family often felt dizzy and sick. Furniture is also environmentally friendly, what is going on?

Experts reminded that renovation, buying furniture should be alert to the "pollution superposition" effect. Generally speaking, even if every piece of furniture and every building material is environmentally friendly, the amount used in a house may cause excessive pollution in the room. How to avoid this situation?

First of all, we should try to buy environmentally-friendly building materials and furniture when economic conditions permit. Secondly, we advocate streamlining decoration, use less building materials, and buy less furniture. Again, we need to remind that indoor air testing is best done. Finished and finished after all the furniture is placed. At this time, the environmental standards are up to the point that indoor air quality is suitable for family living. In addition, after the renovation of the new house, it is best to open the window for 3 to 6 months before staying.

So how do you choose environmentally friendly building materials and furniture?

First, look at the materials and find the signs. When buying furniture, you should pay attention to whether the furniture is made of solid wood or artificial boards. Generally, solid wood furniture is less likely to cause pollution indoors. In addition, you should check whether there is a nationally recognized "green product" mark on the furniture. All furniture with this logo can be purchased and used with confidence;

Second, we must understand the strength of the factory. When consumers are bargaining with sales personnel, don't forget to ask if the furniture meets the relevant national environmental protection regulations, and whether there is relevant certification. In addition, consumers can also understand the situation of furniture manufacturers, furniture produced by well-known brands and powerful manufacturers, with less pollution problems;

Third, the pungent odor is small. When consumers choose furniture, they must open the furniture and smell whether there is a strong irritating smell. This is the most effective way to determine whether the furniture is environmentally friendly. If the irritating odor is large, it proves that the plate used in the furniture contains a lot of free formaldehyde, which will pollute the indoor air and endanger the health of the family;

Fourth, touch the furniture has a bottom. If consumers can't judge whether the furniture is environmentally friendly through the above three methods, you can feel whether the edge of the furniture is tight and whether the moisture content of the material is too high.

Because the strict edge sealing will seal the free formaldehyde in the plate, it will not pollute the indoor air, and the furniture with too high moisture content will not only have quality problems, but also increase the release rate of formaldehyde. In addition, if the furniture purchased by the consumer has caused pollution to the indoor air, in addition to indoor ventilation, some "formaldehyde adsorbents" can be purchased to eliminate the formaldehyde released into the air by the furniture.

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BOSA FURNITURE CO.,LTD. , https://www.bosafurniture.com