Prime time to replenish skin every day

Skin hydration is a must-have for beauty and skin care. It is also an important step to get skin care effect. It is also an important step to grasp the “golden time” of skin hydration, so that our skin will stay hydrated at all times!

Drinking jade muscle water beauty at 7:00

After a night of sleep, the body consumes a lot of water. Therefore, getting up every day is the first low point of the human body, and it is also one of the most critical moments of hydration. The easiest and most effective way is to drink a large glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach, and drink it at a slow, small mouth. Drinking a sufficient amount of water is not only good for health, but also provides sufficient moisture for the skin to help effectively cleanse the stomach and promote the discharge of toxic substances in the body. At the same time, it also reduces the blood concentration, increases blood circulation, and makes the skin bright and shiny.

10:30 carry hydrating weapon

Prepare a bottle of hydrating spray in your bag to keep your skin hydrated anytime, anywhere! Moisturizing sprays are generally composed of natural mineral water or hot spring water and contain a large amount of minerals and trace elements. In addition to hydrating and moisturizing the skin anytime and anywhere, it can also regulate the skin's water and oil balance, soothe the skin's stress, resist allergies and increase the skin's natural protective function. The hydrating spray for the face may also give the hair a little because it also needs hydration.

15:30 to have a cup of hydrating tea

Most of the day we are in a relatively closed office environment, and by 3 pm the lack of water in the skin is certain. You will find small dry lines and small dander in the corners of your eyes and nose. At this time, make a cup of "hydrating" tea, let the skin enjoy the afternoon water "tea" together! Lemon tea not only slims down, but also is rich in vitamin C, which is very effective in maintaining skin tension and elasticity. Chrysanthemum tea and green tea are also good choices for eyesight and radiation protection.

Filled with water at 19:00, you have to keep water

Although some people often drink water, the skin is still very dry. The main reason is that the body's water storage function is weak and can't hide water. Therefore, if you have water, you must keep it. Therefore, in addition to drinking more water, it should also pay attention to the configuration of a reasonable diet and nutritional structure. It is necessary to supplement the foods rich in collagen, mucopolysaccharide, lecithin, vitamins and minerals to improve the nutrition of the skin and enhance the water storage capacity of the skin. Oranges, tomatoes and other nutrients and water content are high, it is also a good product for beauty and hydration.

21:00 bath, skin moisturizing homework

Bathing can accelerate blood circulation and make the whole skin moisturize. However, the water temperature is preferably within 37 °C. If the water temperature is too high, the surface lipids will dissolve and the water will evaporate. After the bath, the whole body skin massage with plant essential oil can help the skin cells absorb water and nutrients better, and seal the moisture on the surface of the skin. On the other hand, massage can eliminate nervous tension and promote blood and lymph circulation. To make your skin vibrant. For the body to moisturize, you can use juniper, citrus, lavender essential oils.

22:00 DIY hydrating mask

The hydrating mask can be called the “first aid station” for concentrated water supply. It can quickly transport energy and moisture, and the skin will be smooth and full in a short time, making each pore feel moist. You can also DIY hydrating mask at home, stir a spoonful of honey and an egg white with two drops of essential oil until it is applied to the face in a paste, apply it for about 15 minutes, and wash it with water.

23:00 enough sleep, do otter woman

Ample sleep is more important than simply replenishing water from the outside. When you go to bed at 12 o'clock, the skin's moisture will be pumped out. Think about the skin that people who stay around the night often have problems with slack and lack of water. The MM who wants to do the leeches is still a good break.

Make-up is the use of cosmetics and tools, taking regular steps and techniques to render, depict, and organize the facial, facial features and other parts of the human body, enhance stereoscopic impressions, adjust shape, mask defects, and express their feelings to achieve a beautifying visual experience. the goal of.

The basic tools for makeup are divided into Makeup Tools, eye makeup tools, lip makeup tools and Nail Tools.

Commonly used makeup tools are Makeup Brushes, puffs, makeup mirrors, eyebrow pencils, etc.

We can use the makeup tools to create the makeup we want with less effort.

Different makeup tools are suitable for cosmetics and use effects are different.

Makeup Tools

Makeup Tools,Foundation Brush,Powder Brush,Eyebrow Brush